Monday, July 20, 2009

It's a girl!!!!

We went in for our ultra sound last Tuesday, and we are having a girl!! It will be the first grand daughter for my parents, and the 6th for Eric's parents. We are pretty excited. We will have one of each and will be done having kids! Scotty doesn't quite understand that the baby will be a girl, but he's understanding that there's a baby in mom's tummy.

On another note, we are pretty much out of our house, and moved to Cedar. There is only a couple things left in the house, and Eric needs to fix the sprinkler system and we will be done. So we have hopefully one more trip up and back to Cedar. We'll miss our great neighborhood, and ward. So if we don't see any of you when we come back up, we love you and will miss you, and thanks for friendships and all the help!


jaclyn weist said...

Congrats!!! Girls are lots of fun. We wish you the best and will miss you!!

Kristy Stoner said...

CONGRATS!! I'm so excited! By the way... goodbye! Dude! You moved! What the? So, I hope you are doing well. I'll talk to you later.